In anticipation of errol morriss new documentary, shedding light on one of the architects of the iraq war, former us secretary of defence donald rumsfeld, here are 10 mustsee docs on modern war. Air force f15s conducted air strikes on isis beddown locations near kirkuk, iraq, april, 2020. On 29 may 20 bbc2 broadcast the first of a three part series on the iraq war, billed as being the inside story of the war in iraq. May 31, 20 on 29 may 20 bbc2 broadcast the first of a three part series on the iraq war, billed as being the inside story of the war in iraq. Iraq in fragments, the academy award and emmynominated documentary by director james longley, traces the disintegration of iraq through three stories. American soldiers of the 23 field artillery, a group known as the gunners, tell of their experiences in baghdad during the iraq war. Holed up in a bombed out pleasure palace built by sadaam hussein, the soldiers endured hostile situations some four months after president george w. Iraq was not the only trouble spot in the middle east during bushs four years in office. Troop withdrawal from iraq by end of 2011 peace and reconciliation movement in late spring of 2007, concerned citizens in fort collins, colorado were getting fed up with the iraq war debacle. Download pdf iraq war films free online new books in.
In january, 2004, in alfalluja, iraq, a documentary film crew. I am not opposed to war in principle, but i have been opposed to every war the united states has waged in my lifetime 50 years except for the first iraq, which i felt was necessary to. Bush launched the war to eliminate the threat from iraq s sunni leader, saddam hussein, who he believed was developing weapons of mass destruction. Regime change 20 only the dead australian documentary, 2015 apache warrior netflix. Here are our picks for 10 more mustsee war documentaries. Conventional threats and weapons of mass destruction pdf. Aug 25, 2016 first on the list has to be the unknown known which inspired our first edition of must see war documentaries. The british and americans had anticipated being welcomed as liberators along with the iraqi army switching sides. This series is based upon the books and encyclopedic knowledge of professor hugh strachan. The second battle of fallujahcodenamed operation alfajr arabic. The people at the top of the cia and saddams foreign minister describe just how the us.
Danish soldiers are sent to afghanistan in 2009 for 6 month, to help stabilize the country against taliban. Parallels a harrowing documentary by australian journalist michael ware documents the years he covered the war in iraq as a time and cnn reporter. For him, there is no flinching from the horrors of war. Unlike other war movies, this is the real deal no actors. With staggering ambition and an epic storytelling sense, the complete history of world war ii transports viewers back to the war to end all wars. The first of these was a brief, conventionally fought war in marchapril 2003, in which a combined force of troops from the united states and great britain with smaller contingents from several other countries invaded iraq and rapidly.
Part 2 the pariah state deals with the iraniraq war and irans isolationpart 3 nuclear confrontation brings it up to the present day with a focus on the nuclear talks and the backdrop of the us invasion of iraq. For some reason, documentaries and information on the iran iraq war of the 1980s is very hard to find. Theyre stationed on armadillo military base in helman province. The gulf war also now known as the first iraq war, as the first major conflict involving the united states since vietnam proved to be a catharsis of sorts for the american military. Bakers personal involvement, reflected in numerous trips to the region, helped bring. Documentary and the iraq war 477 representations of the iraq war are furthest from the vietnam template and, in effect, offer a new visual paradigm that is more subjective, spontaneous. Prestige and power played a major role then as they still do today. This, by far, is the most intense and one of the best. We refreshed our 10 mustsee war documentaries following the release of the incredible jim. News coverage of the first night of the first gulf war, operation desert storm. First on the list has to be the unknown known which. The art of war is an ancient chinese treatise on military and intelligence strategy.
The government is likely to face fresh embarrassment over the war in iraq when the bbc screens a major documentary series about the conflict next. Gulf war and persian gulf war are the most common terms for the conflict used within western countries, though it may also be called the first gulf war to distinguish it from the 2003 invasion of iraq and the subsequent iraq war. Iraqi death estimates by source summary of casualties of the iraq war. It was a war fought to uncover weapons of mass destruction wmds but it appeared to be known that saddam hussein did not have such weapons. Capturing post war iraq in three chapters, iraq in fragments focuses on the lives of individuals to tell a larger story of. Two years ago, president bush announced his exit strategy for the u. Of all the policy successes during this era, the department of state and president bush are most clearly associated with the successful effort to roll back the iraqi invasion of kuwait. David bellavia received the nations highest medal for heroism for saving his squad in fallujah, iraq. Estimates of casualties below include both the 2003 invasion of iraq and the following postinvasion iraq, 2003present. Iraq war military shows no mercy on isis, total destruction. Jun 24, 2014 iraq war shock and awe march 2223, 2003. The 2003 invasion of iraq lasted from 20 march to 1 may 2003 and signaled the start of the iraq war, which was dubbed operation iraqi freedom by the united states prior.
Oct 26, 2015 the iraq war was a failure and a terrible mistake, fareed zakaria writes, causing geopolitical chaos and humanitarian tragedy. The reporter records the first resistance fighters. Part of the 4th anniversary antiiraqafghanistan march and rally at the u. Download pdf iraq war films free online new books in politics. Part 1 the man who changed the world deals with the revolution and ayatollah khomeini. In a series of close readings of some thirty american and european works, it analyzes how documentaries on the runup, unfolding, and aftermath of the war have adopted different points of view and aesthetics in order to address their publics. Straight from the front lines in iraq, this is the first war movie filmed by the soldiers themselves, who poignantly tell a story that never makes it into the evening news or the morning paper. Barkers masterful retelling of the story of britains first iraq war in 1914 is a masterpiece of military history that provides many answers to the endless problems and realities encountered in iraq since 2003. Many would say we should have never been in iraq in the first place. A ten minute documentary examining the heart of the peace movement surrounding.
Rumsfeld is considered one of the architects of the iraq war and this film gives fascinating insight into the. Iraq war, also called second persian gulf war, 200311, conflict in iraq that consisted of two phases. Subscribe for more videos that will change your perspective on the world around you. Possible estimates on the number of people killed in the invasion and occupation of iraq vary widely, and are highly disputed. The perennial tension between israel and its arab neighbors continued to test the expertise of the many u. Afghanistan war iraq war thousand yard stare norwich university iraqi army shock and awe shell shock war film documentary film what others are saying for the war at home, students of norwich university interviewed veterans of the wars in iraq and afghanistan and explored issues soldiers face upon returning to civilian life. I found this documentary but the narrator talks so fast it is hard to follow. We do this for the love of documentary films and hope you enjoy our selection. Since the 90s more than 0 journalists have died in battle zones whilst attempting to deliver the truth to us, many of these were deliberately targeted by their killers. This series is based upon the books and encyclopedic knowledge of. The first world war, otherwise known as the great war, claimed the lives of millions and. Capturing postwar iraq in three chapters, iraq in fragments focuses on the lives of individuals to tell a larger story of.
The following names have been used to describe the conflict itself. The iraq war was a failure and a terrible mistake, fareed zakaria writes, causing geopolitical chaos and humanitarian tragedy. Us news is a recognized leader in college, grad school, hospital, mutual fund, and car rankings. We are many, directed by amir amirani, explores the legacy of the global antiwar demonstrations of 15 february 2003, an event that saw an estimated million. You can also get a quick overview with our documentary list. This is a chronological list of iraq warrelated documentaries. Its a documentary shot via helmet cams for the most part of these oregon national guardsman who were deployed into iraq with the army for 12 months in 2004. In my opinion, these are the hundred greatest ever documentaries on human conflicts and the politics behind them, mainly dealing with modern wars from the 19th century onwards such as ww1, ww2, vietnam, the cold war, american civil war, syria and the war on terror i will be adding more documentaries to this list as i watch them. Stalemate is a key reason, with senseless slaughter, coupled with trench.
This book is the first comprehensive study of documentary film on the iraq war. We are getting very excited about our upcoming release of the unknown known in march. This special twohour report examines how the west armed iraq, the mind and methods of saddam hussein, the origins of the first gulf war and its ragged end, the frustrating effort to disarm iraq through u. Estimates of casualties below include both the 2003 invasion of. It reinforced to me that america or any nation should have a just reason to go to war in the first place.
This documentary takes a detailed look at the spin and distortions given by. Let me forewarn those who are considering watching this, that its not terminator meets bin laden. Reporters at war is an incredible emmy awardwinning, threepart documentary series that examines one of the most dangerous career paths a person can take, that of a war correspondent. From legendary director errol morris, the unknown known turns the camera on former us secretary of defence donald rumsfeld. Video of documentary of iraq war by sirk productions. Bbc world service the documentary podcast, the iraq war. Frontline marks the first anniversary of the iraq war with a twohour documentary investigation that recounts the key strategies, battles, and turning points of. Media complicity and the iraq war, published by select books with a dvd documentary, wmd. The defeat of the ottoman empire during the first world war and the diplomatic and political morass that followed was the precursor for the reconstitution of israel and eventually brought the middle east into center stage today. If youre looking for a way to understand the war on terror or the wars in iraq and afghanistan, and want to watch a documentary instead of reading about it, there are a few great films that give you the run down in a more realistic manner with a decent degree of accuracy. Iraq, weapons of mass destruction, and the growing crisis of global.
My vietnam, your iraq 2008 reserved to fight 2008 brothers at war 2009 triangle of death 2009 poster girl 2010 this is war 2010 the tillman story 2010 the unreturned 2010 the war you dont see 2010 restrepo 2010 the iraq war. Medal of honor awarded to iraq war veteran retired army staff sgt. This documentary takes a detailed look at the spin and distortions given by the bush administration to justify the war in iraq. A massive usled military campaign forces iraq to withdraw in february 1991. The first gulf war short history department history. Bbc documentary lifts lid on iraq war media the guardian. Oconnor interviewed danny schecter about his book when news lies. Parallels a harrowing documentary by australian journalist michael ware documents the years he covered the war in. The iraq war regime change documentary 20 bbc saddams. It was a plan critically dependent upon training iraqi security forces. The iraq war was part of the war on terror, and was the u. The description of the first episode, titled regime change, from the bbc website says that.
Perhaps as an unfortunate reflection of the times, the theater of war has been the focus of some excellent if harrowing fictional movies in recent years, as well as some thoughtprovoking dramatization of real events. Track elected officials, research health conditions, and find news you can use in politics. Aug, 2018 subscribe for more videos that will change your perspective on the world around you. The fall of saddam lead to a power vacuum, and chaos ensued as zarqawis forces took control. This documentary shows how violent and cruel war is. Mar 24, 20 i am not opposed to war in principle, but i have been opposed to every war the united states has waged in my lifetime 50 years except for the first iraq, which i felt was necessary to.